Questions & Answers: About Grenada Land Actors

Many people have been wondering and asked, rightly so, who are the Grenada Land Actors - what are we truly about? While curiosity and rumors abound, we think it is time to address some of these frequently asked questions in this little GLA fact sheet.

What’s our goal? 

We advocate for transparency and accountability within government for its relations with investors and developers. We also ask for public oversight in high-impact development projects and local land governance.


What’s our vision?

We hope to see Grenadians being consulted and constructively involved in the planning, approval and oversight of development projects in their communities for better sustainable, long-term results.

Who is funding the GLA?

GLA receives donations from members, and it is part of a larger umbrella network called the International Land Coalition, which provides some funding for administrative costs. The ILC supports local Land Actors Platforms throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. It also brings awareness to land governance issues. Check out this link for more information and resources.

Why do our members prefer to be anonymous?

While Grenada is understood to be a democracy, in which every citizen can use their voice freely, the reality is that many ordinary people and professionals do not in fact feel free to do so. It is a sad state of affairs when stakeholders do not feel that they can challenge planning and development decisions from their field of expertise or lived reality without fear of risking repercussions, slander or job discrimination. To protect our members from undeserved intimidation or abuse, we have opted to keep individual identities in confidence. We do hope that this will change. In the meanwhile, GLA provides a safe platform for citizens to raise their concerns and issues with land governance in Grenada.


Isn’t that at odds with GLA’s goal for transparency?

Short answer - yes. Long answer - we would prefer to operate freely and share our voices unencumbered. We strongly hope that our members will feel safe and supported enough to do so in the long-run. However, until that is the case, we have to contend with the realities of this situation and make the best out of it. That means we will continue to highlight issues around land governance, engage with authorities, provide our expert assessments, create a channel for vulnerable voices and only share information we can verify to the best of our knowledge and ability.

Why are we targeting only CBI projects?

We are not targeting only Citizenship By Investment (CBI) projects but are currently addressing matters that require the most urgent attention. There are many issues in Grenada that need to be addressed. From littering to illegal hazardous waste dumping and sand mining - we recognize the multitude of areas that need to be fixed. We are a small organisation with limited technical capacity and human resources. The proposed mega-projects at Mt Hartman, La Sagesse, and Levera have stirred legitimate, deep concerns. At times, irresponsible development has hurt local communities and Grenadians who love and visit these places. So amongst many other issues, this is what galvanizes our membership. This is why we focus on these projects, not necessarily because they also happen to be predominantly CBI investments.

Who are we?

We are a group of predominantly Grenadian professionals from the public and private sectors; students, retirees, residents, and community members. We are not paid activists, developers, or politicians. We are unpaid volunteers - ordinary Grenadians with day jobs, families, and regular lives to mind.


Why do we do what we do?

We care about Grenada, our communities, our natural heritage and developing our resources in a sustainable way. We want to know how developments will mitigate their impact on the environment and our communities in their waste disposal practices, water and energy consumption, habitat and biodiversity conservation, access to green spaces and beaches and community rehabilitation through well-paying jobs.


What kind of organisation is GLA? 

GLA was started out in January 2020 as the Grenada chapter of the International Land Coalition (ILC). ILC is a global coalition of NGOs with regional representation in Belize, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad & Tobago. The decision to start a Land Actors Platform in Grenada was informed by two consultations with civil society organizations in 2019, and much of 2020 was centered on prioritising the goals and direction of GLA. In January 2021, GLA became formally incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation. We are now a volunteer-run NGO that relies strongly on pro-bono services from various experts within our network.

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What kind of development do we want to see?

We welcome development that follows a transparent process for planning and implementing sustainable building methods in our local context that benefits community and ecosystem rehabilitation in the long run.


Who we aren’t

Are we anti-development?

No, we are not anti-development. We stand for responsible development.


Is the GLA a political party?

No - it is not. We are ordinary Grenadians, we are unpaid volunteers with families and regular lives